The Prince Bisou NFT collection
Phase 1: First 10 Prince Bisou NFT - Genesis Pack - January 28th
CNY Edition 10 Prince Bisou NFT - Forbidden City Pack - February CNY
Ukraine Resistance Edition 10 Prince Bisou NFT - February 28th - proceeds donated
Phase 2: 290 Prince Bisou NFT - Arisen Pack - December 1st
Phase 3: 700 Prince Bisou NFT - Salvation Pack TBD
Phase 4: Prince Bisou's Tavern NFT Game creation TBD
Arisen Pack - Next 290 Prince Bisou NFTs drop
Become a private collector of your own Prince Bisou that will be one of only a limited supply of unique NFTs released. Usable in the exclusive Prince Bisou's Tavern game. The Prince Bisou NFT Collection features uniquely generated Prince Bisou digital artworks with an exquisite mix of Bisou skins, backgrounds, accessories, tools, and crowns. Features generate by rarity 💎
The four categories of rarity and their percentages are: Common (50%), Rare (29%), Legendary (15%) and almost impossible (6%). Each Prince Bisou will have a rarity score, 0-75, with common features adding 0 points, rare features adding 3 points, legendary features adding 8 points and almost impossible features adding 15 points. See the rarity index below 📖
Prince Bisou NFT Collectors will have the chance to see their NFT featured in the next Prince Bisou comic.